InoTec’s SCAMAX® 4x3 production scanner opens a new dimension in document capture. Utilizing new and innovative technology it has increased product reliability and scanning throughput for even the most difficult of scanning projects.
Image enhancements and processing are handled by the scanner’s own internal hardware – improving work flow productivity by eliminating the need for time consuming post processing on an external PC.
The SCAMAX® 4x3 production scanner has a newly designed feeder concept which ensures that a widely varying range of documents can be fed automatically through the scanner. Even the thinnest of paper is transported through the scanner reliably ensuring minimum downtime due to miss-feeds. Purchasing the SCAMAX® 4x3 production scanner is a safe and secure investment thanks to InoTec’s innovative Upgrade Path. The scanner can be upgraded at any time to meet changing production requirements.
Features SCAMAX® 4x3
Gigabit Ethernet Interface with a future. Fast, safe and uncomplicated.
TSCP TouchScreen Communication Panel Simplifies operation of advanced functions.
PFC PaperFlowControl Controls paper flow from the feeder to the output hopper and detects feeding errors.
Document indexing Generates user-defined index data during the scanning process and passes the data on to post processing.
Intelligent Endorser Prints freely definable information pre- and/or post scan.
Bates Stamping Stamps images electronically.
Low Operating Costs Only few wearing parts with long life expectancy..
Energy Saving Utilises an energy saving LED illumination system. No warm-up time for the lamps, instantly useable upon power on.
Energy Star Exceeds Energy Star requirements for energy consumption.
Maintenance Worldwide Onsite maintenance is provided by authorized service partners.
Compact Design Small footprint design saves valuable office space.
Ergonomic Minimises operator fatigue because controls are easily reached. High contrast TouchScreen display ensures excellent screen readability. Document sequence is always maintained to eliminate post scan sorting.
Quiet Operation Ultra quiet and compact design easily fits into any office environment
Ease of Use Intuitive design ensures ease of operation, even after an upgrade.
No Limits
Advanced Engineering Ensures No Volume Limits Continuous scanning – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks...
No Service Area Limits True worldwide service by InoTec technicians or authorised, factory trained service partners.
Image enhancement PDT
Cropping/Deskew Black border removal, bicubic deskew, content based rotation.
Operator/Machine InterfaceUtilises easy to use TouchScreen Communication Panel
Language Instructions and error messages are simple to understand and multilingual./li>
Full Text All error messages and screen references are in full text. No coded messages or instructions.
Pictograms Ensures fast orientation – clear, understandable, intuitive.
Contact Feeder Automatic, safe, reliable and controlled.
Paper Transport Safe, reliable and controlled. Glassless Gentle on papers. Simple and easy access everywhere. Reliable processing, even with widely varying documents in the same batch.
** depends on options/model
Event Controlled Indexing replaces costly software and reduces throughput times.
Utilises Established Filing Structures, structure can be fully user-defined based on established organisation methods.
Index Trigger - index triggers are activated by patchcode and manual input.
User Definable counters, fixed texts and flags.
Export Capability index values can be easily imported into Document Management Systems
display-pictograms SCAMAX® 4x3 production scanner
Scanning speed can be changed simply by touching the display
Button Assignment Freely Definable.
Full Text Messages and Onscreen Graphics (Pictograms) Provide Instant Reference.
Input via TouchScreen Keypad Provides Indexing and Process Control.
Specifikationen SCAMAX® 4x3
Performance grades
Scan speed at 200 / 300* dpi
Bitonal / Color
Bitonal / Color
Bitonal / Color
Bitonal / Color
Simplex A4 landscape
90 ppm
120 ppm
150 ppm
170 ppm
Duplex A4 landscape
180 ipm
240 ipm
300 ipm
340 ipm
*The scanning speed is determined by serveal factors. Among other things factors like the paper size and surface, but also the used PC and the scan application, are influencing the scanning speed.